The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) have declared a weather-related emergency or major disaster in your state. Medicare beneficiaries affected may be eligible for a Special Election Period (SEP).
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Who is eligible?
Any beneficiary who resides in, or resided in (at the start of the incident), an area that federal, state, or a local government entity has declared an emergency or disaster (see
Beneficiaries who do not live in the impacted areas but receive assistance making healthcare decisions from someone who lives in one of the affected areas are also eligible; and
The beneficiary had another valid election period at the time of the incident (Annual Enrollment Period (AEP), SEP or aged into Medicare), but did not make an election during that other valid election period due to the disaster or other emergency.
What does this mean for beneficiaries?
Beneficiaries who were eligible for a different SEP or aged into Medicare but were unable to enroll in a plan during the allotted time due to the disaster or other emergency have until the extended deadline to enroll.
Enrollments received are effective the first day of the following month.
Enrollment Overview
If a consumer contacts you as a result of this SEP, you may help them enroll in one of our plans and may be eligible for a commission. You must:
Ask the beneficiary for proof that the beneficiary resided in an affected area (e.g., driver’s license or utility bill reflecting the beneficiary’s address).
If the beneficiary is unable to provide proof, ask the beneficiary if they attest that they lived/live in an area impacted by the FEMA declared emergency or disaster.
Once you verify eligibility, you can proceed with the application.
Application details:
This is to alert you that an update has occurred to the FEMA declaration: